Friday, August 17, 2007

The Joy of Parenting

I have been held hostage by a teenager.
She insists that I let her do as she wishes or she'll leave and live with her Dad. Just because she feels this will control me. She knows that I will have difficulty in paying my bills without the child support. That is not why I want custody of my children, however.
I've spent the last 17 years devoted to their care. I have sacrificed, went without, and worked like a dog at jobs I hate and busting my ass at college, for their sake.
I wanted to provide a decent life for them and support them in being their own best persons. But, alas, times are tough. I don't have money for satellite and Internet. They have to go to the library to use the computer. They have to watch regular TV. They only have Gamecube and X Box and not WI. I can't give them extra cash for Starbucks, Dip n Dots and Waffle Cone Wednesday. I'm mean because I can only give them necessities. Their Dad makes more than enough for extras. He's better than me.
So I guess I should just hand them over, admit my shortcomings in providing the lifestyle they feel they deserve, lose my home and run to Mom and Dad with my clothes and dog.
And I thought I'd done a good job in raising them..........apparently not.......

1 comment:

Leah Wentzel said...

kids always think the grass is greener on the other side...they will come back when their dad does something they don't like as well.

kids are kids, even if they are raised well they don't prove it until they are grown ups

i know this is very unsolicited, but thought you may need a word of encouragement.

-another mom