Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I have taken a first step in getting healthy. I have always eaten well, I just need a low carb diet, and that is hard, especially when carbs are cheap and I'm poor.
Now I can shop at Trader Joes where prices are great and I can eat more produce. I bought Wii Fit and I am dedicated to doing it daily. I have been having knee problems and when trying on my jeans from summer of 2007, I realized I had gained weight- 20 pounds more. This is causing stress on by joints and I am very uncomfortable. I am also embarassed and too poor to join a fitness club. I know there's Curves, but that's even more than I can deal with. This was $90- and it's forever! I also don't have to buy gym clothes. I wear my old housecleaning duds which are usually a ragged t- shirt and old leggings that should never see the light of day.
I am sick of being fat, sick of being sick and sick of my excuses! Next on the agenda is a bike and trailer so I can do my shopping in the summer without using my car. Now to find a job where I can do the same.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I have no set schedule in my life other than college and taking my son to school.
It makes me sound like a horrible slacker but it has done wonders for creativity and self-esteem.
My former life in the drudgery of commission sales, made me feel as though my value was entirely based on my ability to force vitamins and herbs down the throat of customers. My previous position as wife made me feel like nothing I did was good enough. In my interim as one of the jobless, I have found that I am available for service to my church, I am always there for my kids, I have time to go places and see things so my writing has some substance to it. I have pause to smell the roses, and to really listen to what people have to say.
I get up to take Evan to school. I have to clean, take dogs out for potty, cook and do laundry. I have lots of homework to do being in a pre-med program for nursing, but I am able to do this within my own time constraints.
I have resumed friendships with people from high school an hope to keep in touch with them. I have been going out on weekends, which I haven't done in nearly 2 years.
I am actually enjoying life.
I've never made less money than I do now. I live on a very slim lifestyle, but conversely, I have never been happier.
With my federal extensions, I have another 46 weeks of unemployment after exhausting my first 26 weeks. I have looked for a job. I look online daily and keep my eye out for signs as well as my ear to the ground. Michigan is at about 12% unemployment. My field, sales is not really hiring right now. So I'll continue my education and try to make a better life for my kids and I.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

First Communion

Last night, I had one of the most beautiful moments in my life, second only to the births of my children.
I took my first communion in a ceremony during the Easter Vigil service at St. Ambrose Church in Grosse Point Park/ Detroit.( The church property is in both cities)
It began with a Easter Fire, held at sunset outside of the church. From that fire we lit candles symbolizing the Light of Christ, and went through the main doors of the church only lit by those candles. Then we, the confirmands,catechumen, and those being given baptism and confirmation went to the font to receive our white robes. The baptisms were performed, and then we processed to the altar for an anointing sealing us into the church. We then went to the back of the church, brought the elements ( wine, water and bread) and the offering to the altar. We were given our first communion. After the service concluded, there was a "horsdouvres on steroids" ( as Father Pelc described it)gathering in the Ark, our gathering center and catering hall in the basement.
I have had first communion in the Lutheran church and it didn't have as great an impact on me. The meaning was impressed upon me so much deeper and the congregation was visibly joyous. I received congratulations from everyone and my sponsor gave me a St. Christopher/ St Bridget medal in honor of my Irish heritage.
I truly feel part of a family here. It is the sense of someone being there for me reagrdless of my status, finances, gifts and truly being accepted because of my faith in Christ.