Looking at my life over the last 2 years has made me realize how much I've grown.
Losing my job has been a blessing. I was working essentially for medical insurance since I barely made $300 a week with wages and commissions. I was paying $100 a month for the insurance anyway.
Now with my unemployment and child support, I make the same as my job was paying me. But......
I'm not working at the job I had come to despise. I loved my customers but I hated the whole corporate structure business model of " do what ever it takes to make a sale", even if it's not in the best interest of the customer.
My life is richer and fuller than it has been in years. I have time to enjoy things like the lake, my kids, my dog, and my friends. I work my butt off, but I also realize that "stuff" doesn't matter that much. I have stuff; my computer, Wii, MP3 player, but I have been without it too and that was okay. As long as I have a home, food and clothing, my essential needs are met. But, you cant be a college student today without a computer, printer, and internet, so I have these things.
I have also been in the situation where I couldn't be certain of having a home, food or clothing and it's very scary. I can live very well on $2000 a month. I could just survive with that. But that works out to $250 a week take home. That's around $7 an hour for 40 hours a week, minus taxes. $14 an hour part time. There aren't many jobs like that in Michigan. Even minimum wage. I'll also lose all of my food stamps because my income would be over $1970 a month.
I'm trying to live in "the now" and give tomorrow to God. I am praying that He'll see to it that I can find employment by the time my extensions have run out. My life is such a little thing in the grand scheme. I just want to survive.
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