I don't like hateful people. I also don't like people that live their lives in order to accumulate stuff and out-do the Jones'.
I look at the Dubya years and I'm reminded of the "greed is good" quote from Wall Street.
It's not good. It has allowed self-indulgent jerks to take advantage of an unregulated system and screw most working class folks to the point where they can't see the light of day. I live in a community that encompasses both the very rich and the working poor. We all get along. Not once have I been treated badly because I am unemployed or been followed in a store because I don't wear designer clothes.
As a student of psychology, I tend to look at those aggressive A type personalities as fearful. They're afraid we'll all discover their charade- they came from less than prosperous circumstances, and they don't want you to know. They look down their noses at the guys pouring cement, or the women serving them their power lunches.
I love dissecting their reactions and dropping hints at my insights. (That's me being mean), but more so, I just want them to stop being awful to others. Just because someone is doing manual labor, doesn't mean they're an idiot. Things happen- divorce, illness, maybe their family or school told them they were stupid, so they never tried.
Jerks want you to fight back. Surprise them by inquiring why they're so nasty towards the less fortunate. Liken it to kicking a baby. They hate that.. (snicker)
Because I'm smart and I speak well, they think I'm one of them. I NEVER will be. Thanks be to God!
1 comment:
Great article D. I totally agree with your points. Materialism? I just don't get it. Nor have it.
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