I’m not overly into television. I have my favorite shows but having recently been stricken with mono, I couldn’t do anything but watch TV. It coincided with my purchase of my digital boxes. I now have extra channels to distract me. I won’t watch just anything though.
I have a thing for history. I live in a Arts and Crafts style home from 1920. I love anything to do with the 1920’s and 30’s. With my new digital box, I have 3 PBS channels. My 2 favorite history shows are “Secrets Of The Dead” and “History Detectives”.With the new digital box, those shows are on daily. Woo-hoo!
The only comedy I watch is The Big Bang Theory. It's about a bunch of nerdy scientists that work together and hang out together. It often cites many scientific theories and being the nerd that I am, I look them up on the web to see what they're about. Recently they used Schrödinger's Cat as an example of 2 possible outcomes in one of the character's life. So I looked it up. I look things up everyday;words, ideas, literary references, stuff Evan G. writes to me. There's a lot I don't know so and I want to learn.
Also, I enjoy Nova and especially a recent episode called Parallel Lives, featuring Mark Everett, formerly of the indie band, The Eels. He happens to be the son of Hugh Everett, a physicist known for his theory of “relative state”, “many worlds” in quantum physics. The same theory as Schrödinger's Cat; alternative universe. (The cat is both alive and dead.)
It seems Mark, though living in the same home as his father for his entire life, didn’t know a thing about his father or his radical ideas. Talk about an alternative universe. It's a really interesting story. I want to read his book.
It's called “Things The Grandchildren Should Know” You can buy it on Amazon for under $20. I'm ordering one as soon as possible.
I love strings of coincidence!
Yeah,I'm a nerd.......
www.phobe.com/s cat?s_cat.html
(including a link to get a Schrödinger's cat t-shirt!)
I love the Big Bang Theory. Totally hysterical!
Denise - I was also riveted to the tv when the pbs show about the quantum physicist's son aired. I was at once so sad....and also so connected. Wow.
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