In my fight to make a life for my kids and I , I have hit head first into another obstacle.
I owed money for State taxes last year. I tried to make arrangements to pay after my federal return this year, but they decided to yank it out of my unemployment. keep in mind I only get $900 a month to live on. So no money until December for me. Oh and since my daughter works part time to pay for college, the state yanked all of my food stamps because " our family has income".
I am going to go to school if it kills me. If the state knows they'll take unemployment away too.
How in the hell is anyone supposed to get ahead in life? How can I ever get off of welfare if they screw me for trying?
I'll survive, but barely. I can't have any mishaps with my car or anything else.
I'm not belly achin but this is what it's really like for people living in poverty. It aint no picnic
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