You'd think after being with someone for 16 years you'd know their M.O.
My ex has a history of ruining every single holiday or birthday during our relationship. So regardless of his insanity, I really believe in retrospect,that his craziness was more apt to be 1) rage in general. He has issues with this.
2) wrecking my birthday, which was the next day after
the confrontation.
I am learning that I am much stronger than I give myself credit for. I am DONE being the victim.
My kids are happy, healthy, decent human beings. I may not be a perfect parent, but I am doing my best. My lack of money doesn't mean they're suffering. I guess this is all of the process of making me stronger. His rantings and ravings set me back a bit, but it won't happen next time.
Just like a summer storm, he came in strong and has since blown away.
On a positive note:
I have begun moving things into the apartment. I LOVE THAT PLACE!!!!! I took the dog with me so he can get used to the place and he'll be less likely to flip out when we're there for good.
Also: reading "The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove" by Christopher Moore. If you have a sense of humor, read his books. He's funny and witty. Descriptives such as " her laugh sounded like a metallic hyena" keep me coming back for more.
" Please do not endorken yourself to me. Do not sully your hottie image in my head by further reciting your nerdy scholastic agenda" from You Suck
Just friggen hilarious.
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