Although I haven't picked up the keys , I am already haunted by my new apartment.
It has original features like push button light switches, beveled leaded glass windows, huge sash double hung windows, small closets with little square windows inside apparently for light. The house was built in 1920. It was a single dwelling of appx. 2800 square feet before being split into 2 apartments. I have the upstairs which is 1300 sq. ft.
The first day I looked at the apartment, I heard church bells playing "How Great Thou Art". I asked the agent what church it was and he told me it's St.Ambrose. I feel drawn to this Gothic- Style church. I'm not Catholic, but I do feel compelled to attend worship there and seek solitude for prayer.I don't know if they'll mind a lapsed Lutheran hanging out. Maybe they'll try to convert me?
This entire area is made up of old streets named for original families like Vernor,after the ginger ale folks, Morang,and Allard, ancient churches, and homes built during the time period of the Golden Age of Grosse Pointe ( 1860- 1930). I am surrounded by history, lifestyles of the rich, and culture of a forgotten era.
It does exude a feeling of being haunted. I am very sensitive to this sort of thing and it really doesn't frighten me.I look at it as a welcome distraction since I hate my job and most other facets of my current life. I can lose myself in the past and mix it up with the future.
I have the landlord's permission to rearrange the kitchen and with the addition of my appliances; dishawasher,frige and new countertop with built-in cutting board surface,I will make something workable as a kitchen,which it currently barely passes for. I bought perfect lace curtains for the dining room, and I am searching for a sideboard or buffet for the dining room as well.
I'm nosy and I want to know the history of my home and neighborhood. There is an old library within walking distance to my house.
I'll find the microfiche and I'm not afraid to use it.
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