Like most folks, I spend my day oblivious to "real life" going on all around me.
I have my own stuff to do; dishes, laundry, shopping, blogging. Then something happens that snaps you back to the reality that life is short, live it to the fullest.
I learned that my friend Paul's 21 year old sister Cassie died in her sleep Friday night. She had complained of a headache, she vomited and was dizzy. The hairs on my neck stood up.I had those same symptoms in 1994 at the age of 29. I had been the victim of a carotid aneurysm. Most likely, she had a cerebral aneurysm, but the autopsy won't be complete until Monday.
My emotions are very heavy now because I love my friends and grieve for their loss.
Also, I am drawn back to my own painful experience,realizing that but for the Grace of God, I could have died also. I would have left a 16 month old baby and a 4 year old behind as well as a husband. That still hurts today. How close I came to biting the big one, and the loooonnnnggggg road back to wholeness.
Also,as a Christian, I wonder why is someone so young called back to God? I know she was a special, very loved person. I believe we all have a purpose in this life. Some of us chose to follow the purpose,other resist it their whole lives and as a result,are horribly unhappy. She was an amazingly unaffected, positive person in this world of cynicism. She had recently gone to England to visit her sister and other relatives over Thanksgiving. Perhaps the wonderful loving nature of this individual was her purpose in her short life. I don't claim to have any answers.
All I can say is pray for the Spence family.
UPDATE: Cassie died from a rare cyst on her brain.The coroner assured the family she felt nothing and just fell asleep. Rest in Peace Cassie.
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