Maybe it’s a sign of getting old, but people are so rude these days, that it’s all I can do to not go off on them.
Perhaps because I work in suburbia, land of the smug, that I meet so many idiots. Perhaps because the media has made being a jerk cool and a bitch trendy, that the folks I see on a daily basis make me want to climb a tower with an assault rifle.
Today, a couple let their child hang from the outside edge of the escalator by his arms. They claim they didn’t notice. He fell from near the top, hit his face and head in the plants below. Fortunately he was okay and just needed an ice pack. Gotta ask myself, why are the parents so uninvolved with their offspring, that they don’t notice this?
I noticed they were older parents. In my observations, folks that have their kids in their 40’s usually have brats. They’re at the point where they’re either too tired to discipline or they’re so wrapped up in themselves, that kids tend to be an accessory like a BMW or a Prada purse.( Stepping on toes on that one I’m sure, but hey! It’s my blog! Write your own)
I have folks that go by my store and mock the name, make comments relative to my weight and the selling of diet products... One man was shocked when I said “ they hired me because I’m polite, not thin, so I guess they’d never hire you” His girlfriend then punched him in the arm and called him an asshole, most appropriately I might add.
I have a brother that is a professional art framer in Grosse Pointe. We have come to the conclusion that those folks are rich because they still have the first dollar they ever made. Cheap is an understatement. They might be framing an original Warhol, but their first question is “how cheap can we do this and can I have it done in 24 hours” So what do they not understand in the meaning “custom framing”? It won’t be cheap and you are not my only customer. “But I’m rich, I want it now!”- Give me a break!
Just because I work in a store does not mean I am retarded. I may have made poor life or educational choices, but I’m not an idiot. I am nice to you because I am paid to be, and because I really do like helping people. I’ll help you even if you’re an asshole.
People Suck is my favorite motto these days and they never fail to reinforce that feeling.
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