The tale all begins with a horrible marriage,a lack of higher education, and a newly divorced mom. The mom worked retail,making next to nothing, and worked hard to complete her education. Then the bottom dropped out of the economy. The jobs market got worse, so the college program she had worked so hard to get was worthless. The mom kept working at her retail job until she was within one week of full vestment in the companies benefit/ retirement/ stocks program. Then the company fired her. The mom lost her home and moved to a nice apartment. She began the process of going to college with the assurance that she would be able to get an RN's license. She worked hard and continuously looked for work. In those 2 years, the federal government played games with unemployment,often receiving no money for a month, the mom got behind in her bills. She went for 3 weeks in late fall without heat, and was blessed by the Society of St. Vincent De Paul, who got her caught up with utilities.Then she found out that although she had a 3.6 GPA,it wasn't good enough to get into the clinicals part of nursing, which required a 4.0. The mom now has $20,000 debt for a degree she can never get. She was blessed to get a job again, although $3 less per hour than the promised rate. The mom drove 84 miles round trip daily to earn $22,000 a year. Now behind in rent, the mom has to pay double rent to get caught up. Recently, the mom had to pay a ticket, but because of a paperwork snafu, she didn't get her child support. Child support owed has now reached $1200. Her license was suspended. While still waiting for the money to pay the ticket and fine, she was pulled over by The Macomb Co. Sheriff, who randomly ran her plates. Thankfully, the mom didn't have to go to jail, but they did impound her car.
The moral of this story? Poverty causes devastation. Quit hating the poor. We know that corporate America, many Republicans and State Governors wants us gone, but is America a Fascist country? It sure feels like one to me. So when Pontiac Michigan is taken over and becomes The City of Bud Light, don't act surprised. That's what our Governor has planned for Michigan.
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