I can unabashedly say that I am a great singer. It's the only thing I have a God- given talent for really. A major element in singing is putting forth a piece of yourself in the song- that's the part that makes you shudder when you hear it- the bearing of the soul. I am very good at this.
In daily life, I suck at it. I invariably bear my soul to those that stamp upon it. I trust the wrong person every time. The pain of CONSTANT rejection has taught me to trust no one. When I do , I ALWAYS get screwed. Those smarter than me say I have to "put myself out there" "be confident", but that doesn't work for me. I am an awkward person when it comes to connections of the heart. And I seem to attract only the worst person for me.
The song I'd pick for my theme song is "Outside Myself" by k.d. Lang
Here is a link
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