Monday, June 21, 2010


I am down to the last 10 weeks of any unemployment I can draw. I have filled out countless applications for jobs ranging from police dispatcher to dog walker. I have had precious few actual interviews. Now I am starting to get scared.
I wonder, does God really give a crap if I am out on the streets? I am just one among millions that are suffering on the Earth. I have taken classes, I have an A- GPA and I am trying to find any sort of work, even if I have to work several part time jobs, I am willing to do anything.
I am starting to feel as though I am a discarded person with no intrinsic value- in other words- WORTHLESS. It's a shitty feeling and I hope it's temporary.
I am an important person to my kids. They're relying on me.


Denise Spring said...
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Denise Spring said...

and now that the bozos in government have decided not to vote for the continuance of benefits- I have no weeks of unemployment left- will they now help me to keep me from being homeless, or do I have to move in with my parents and lose custody of my son- thanks a lot morons