Finally some GOOD NEWS! I have gotten food stamps, assistance with utilities ( which kept me from being shut off) and an increase in child support. This means I will have enough money to pay my rent on time, pay for my utilities, and have enough money to buy my son shoes and clothing.
We haven't gone hungry, but I have been very creative in stretching the food to last. Food stamps will mean that I can buy fresh fruits and vegetables weekly and stay on an eating plan that will allow me to lose the weight necessary for my health. I can relax and bit and enjoy the holidays too.
The last of the anxiety lies in the stress of needing a job by the end of February, when my unemployment is exhausted. I am praying and accepting the many prayers of others on my behalf. I have never been desirous of wealth but rather just to be able to pay my bills and have a nice place to live and decent food to eat. My car is 15 years old and on it's last legs. I need it to last until God provides a way for me to buy another one. God is in charge but I am doing my part- I am actively seeking a job, going to college and getting A's and B's. The rest is in His hands.
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