The obvious differences between the Conservatives and The Rest of Us besides being political seems to lie in the extreme hate, negativity and bigotry that so called "conservatives" are engaging in. I consider myself to be an independent thinker. I have brought my children up to question authority of all kind whether it be the government, church, or school. Power always has an agenda, and it is always keeping itself in power. I do not think our president is the Savior, but I hope his attitude of positivity and making a difference catches on.
I have gotten in touch with former high school classmates on Facebook. Some of them differ in their politics and I'm cool with that until they start attacking me personally. I am not unemployed because I'm lazy. I am undereducated and lacking in skills to obtain another job. I collect unemployment because it's offered to me. I guess Neo Cons wouldn't accept unemployment if they lost their jobs huh? Or social security when they're eligible either because that's socialism. I've paid into unemployment for 10 years while employed, so yeah, I'm going to accept it.
It used to be that you could differ from one another in your views and still get along. My poverty is somehow a character flaw to these extremists. I guess in their estimation I should just go and kill myself and do the country a favor, huh?
Republicans, is this what you want your party to be seen as? Hateful bigots?
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