Friday, September 18, 2009
Once again my caustic nature has upset some folks. I would get really upset, except these are people I never see; Facebook People.
I realize that things are misunderstood in the written form, especially things like sarcasm. But I also find myself unable to care about superfluous relationships with people that I probably would never hang out with in "real" life.
I want to have relationships with real people, perhaps those I have something in common with. Lots of people on FB are real friends that I do things with and a large number of them are family members. They get me. Many don't. No love lost.
This week begins my a new endeavor to make actual friends. It's hard because I have a busy schedule starting next week, but I am sick of the FB BS.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Well excuuuuuuuuusssse ME!
The obvious differences between the Conservatives and The Rest of Us besides being political seems to lie in the extreme hate, negativity and bigotry that so called "conservatives" are engaging in. I consider myself to be an independent thinker. I have brought my children up to question authority of all kind whether it be the government, church, or school. Power always has an agenda, and it is always keeping itself in power. I do not think our president is the Savior, but I hope his attitude of positivity and making a difference catches on.
I have gotten in touch with former high school classmates on Facebook. Some of them differ in their politics and I'm cool with that until they start attacking me personally. I am not unemployed because I'm lazy. I am undereducated and lacking in skills to obtain another job. I collect unemployment because it's offered to me. I guess Neo Cons wouldn't accept unemployment if they lost their jobs huh? Or social security when they're eligible either because that's socialism. I've paid into unemployment for 10 years while employed, so yeah, I'm going to accept it.
It used to be that you could differ from one another in your views and still get along. My poverty is somehow a character flaw to these extremists. I guess in their estimation I should just go and kill myself and do the country a favor, huh?
Republicans, is this what you want your party to be seen as? Hateful bigots?
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Ahhhh yes.....
It all comes back to me......... this is why I had become a hermit.
I do want friends, but I think the art of friendship is lost these days. There was a time when people were appreciated for being individuals.
I want friends who like me the way I am, not that want me to change and conform to them. There are very few that I can enjoy my time with for that reason.
This weekend, I spent time with people that liked my sense of humor, sarcastic nature and didn't say "Oh now Denise, always look on the bright side of life", which made me like them all the more. I had fun, and never had to feel as though I needed to edit myself or worry I was "too opinionated", the very traits that these people like in me.
Like me or leave me alone....... Some folks like me warts and all, so bugger off the rest of you!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The Plague Approacheth
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Love Thy Neighbor
So many things on my mind lately.
Not the least is my on going struggle with unemployment and poverty. I'm not homeless, but it's really tough. One unexpected expense equals disaster that takes weeks to recover from. I have enough to survive but nothing left over.It stresses out my kids because they can't have the fun their friends do, and it stresses me out for the same reasons. I can't afford to go out to dinner, the zoo, the water park or anything else that costs money. My only luxury is the Internet. I am clever enough to find things that are free, but I miss things like going to The Henry Ford. If I manage to grab some extra cash, I have to consider my gas tank as well. It's all very discouraging.
I have been channeling all of this frustration into cleaning and organizing. I am getting my house into the shape I want it to be. It's really nice having a home in which people can drop by for a visit and I don't have to panic.
The political storm about Health Care is interesting. The age-old battle of the Haves Vs. The Have Nots. All of the protesters in West Bloomfield are so angry that they might have to share. They're horrified by the idea that the Surfdom actually feel as though we deserve to have minimal health care. I don't remember ever seeing the Democrat and Republican parties being so divided. It really does feel like the Right Wing is all about The Haves keeping all they feel is due them and claiming some sort of "Christian" superiority. All of this lead me to seek where this comes from. It lead me to Calvinism and predestination. Here are some of links I found, but please research on your own.
I visited many sites and researched for an entire afternoon. This is the religion of the Pilgrims. The one that excludes any one that is an independent thinker. It's all VERY UN AMERICAN. It was an eye-opener for me. I was a Lutheran for 20 years and have recently converted to Catholicism. It wasn't a huge jump. I NEVER hear my parish speak of other religions disparagingly, but I sure do hear it a lot about Catholics from Protestants. I was never taught to dislike the poor and defenseless in either the Lutheran Church or in The Catholic church. Is it any wonder Ireland has had religious battles forever? I don't understand a position of superiority based on wealth. Being a history buff, I do remember reading about the wealthy families such as the Roosevelt's, believing their wealth was a blessing from God which gave them a sense of obligation to help those in need. That makes sense to me; a hell of a lot more than looking down on someone for being poor as though it was "sin" that brought them there.
Hate abounds all around me and I am always startled by it. Perhaps I'm naive. I look at life as an opportunity to help and love my fellow man. I'm no saint, but aren't we all just trying to enjoy our lives, and love and be loved along the way
Romans 12;1-2
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Matthew 25:41-45
Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.' They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least among you, you did not do for me.'
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