Last night, I had one of the most beautiful moments in my life, second only to the births of my children.
I took my first communion in a ceremony during the Easter Vigil service at St. Ambrose Church in Grosse Point Park/ Detroit.( The church property is in both cities)
It began with a Easter Fire, held at sunset outside of the church. From that fire we lit candles symbolizing the Light of Christ, and went through the main doors of the church only lit by those candles. Then we, the confirmands,catechumen, and those being given baptism and confirmation went to the font to receive our white robes. The baptisms were performed, and then we processed to the altar for an anointing sealing us into the church. We then went to the back of the church, brought the elements ( wine, water and bread) and the offering to the altar. We were given our first communion. After the service concluded, there was a "horsdouvres on steroids" ( as Father Pelc described it)gathering in the Ark, our gathering center and catering hall in the basement.
I have had first communion in the Lutheran church and it didn't have as great an impact on me. The meaning was impressed upon me so much deeper and the congregation was visibly joyous. I received congratulations from everyone and my sponsor gave me a St. Christopher/ St Bridget medal in honor of my Irish heritage.
I truly feel part of a family here. It is the sense of someone being there for me reagrdless of my status, finances, gifts and truly being accepted because of my faith in Christ.
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