The recent period following my termination from my job, I spent my time catching up on household duties usually neglected by lack of time. Dealing with the run around necessary to get my needed compensation such as unemployment, food stamps, and 401K
left me feeling overwhelmed and stressed. The anxiety disorder cranks me into a state of neurosis that requires either xanax, prayer, sleep or a combination of all three. I feel, at times, as though I am a criminal trying to steal from someone, with all of the bullshit I go through to get what is rightfully mine.
I decided enough was enough and left for the woods of Northern Michigan and my family. My Dad drives truck across the country, my sister is career Navy and was here on leave, my Mom is the Supervisor of the township in her community.It was great visiting. My Dad had to go back on the road and my sister had to return to Mississippi.
I took the dog out this morning and sniffed the crisp fall air, as I noticed at least 4 species of fungi on the ground.I took notice of the fall colors and all of the acorns on the ground as well as all of the squirrels gathering them for the Winter to come. A thought occurred to me:
While I have been wrapped up in my own world of fear, the natural world has continued on. Nature has followed it's course. The trees are seemingly dying, yet I know this Spring, they will burst forth with new greenery.
My life is in a state of flux, but I have to remember that just as God oversees the needs of the sparrow, He'll also see to mine. I trust God, but not all of the bureaucracy of my government to see to my needs.
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Nature comforts sometimes and taunts sometimes. When blue I have always envied the squirrels and then to make myself feel worse, I would hate on myself because it is pathetic to envy a squirrel. I'm not feeling that way now but I have.
I ran my bank down to zero because the last two weeks have been almost jobless. My main student stopped calling because we have had a bunch of Jewish holidays here so little college.
I am on credit card cash advance this week...
Hooray for fungus! Have you seen a puffball recently? It's been years for me...
I love the 10 mph speed sign.
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