I was fired from my job on August 28th. I barely reacted, prompting my manager and district manager to think I had lost it. I hadn't. I was just so relieved that I never have to go back there, I was euphoric.
I have really enjoyed my time off. I have been writing, goofing off, cooking, cleaning, and researching my new career move.
I feel a little guilty feeling so happy. Maybe it'll all come back to bite me in the ass? Don't know. I have unemployment for a year, free education for an associates degree, food stamps and child support, so I can survive.
By the way...... don't shop at Vitamin World. They don't care about anything but getting your money. Just an opinion, an INFORMED ONE!
One of my students is a body builder (lots of 20 year olds seem to be). He took me in there to show me which powdered protein meals he likes. (I didn't get any but have a professional curiousity as a chemist). One of the owners of one of the brands (not Joe Weider -- some new brand from Wisconson) was sitting near the entrance, promoting his powder. Let us all know about the state of your educational pursuits.
Did it swallow my previous comment...
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