Something clicked off inside of me.
I’m not even sure what it was or what caused it.
I have recently have been really worked up about how horrible people are.
I had, in fact, saved 2 pages that I was going to post on my blog.
Here’s the thing: I don’t care anymore.
People suck, mostly due to their own frustrations, lack of money, lack of jobs, higher cost of everything. I just don’t care. Perhaps I’ve become insulated to it. Maybe I’m finally a hardened old woman.
I consider myself to be a bit of a bleeding heart. I always want to help the underdog. I’m even getting tired of that.
All I want to do is write, work, take care of my kids and dogs and go back to college. I figure that everyone makes their own path in life and I certainly don’t have a great deal of wisdom to impart on the world.
I used to think God had a magnificent plan for all of us; one that would lead us to some huge life altering point of view. I don’t think that’s necessarily His plan for all of us.
In the past, my feelings,( fear mostly), kept me from doing anything. I tend to do better when I just don’t give a shit. I am back in the doing and not feeling mode for a while. Maybe I’ll finally get something done.
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