I nearly went to Speed Dating with a friend when I found I had double booked.Then I escaped. Thank God. Everyone tells me I need to get out there and meet people; straight people instead of my usual gaggle of gays.
Dwelling upon it I have discovered that I really don't want a "relationship" right now. Or perhaps ever.
I am a middle aged woman of "generous proportions" and I have found that is not a commodity men are in the market for. I am also opinionated, intelligent and I actually read books that require a college vocabulary. Whilst many a larger gal would settle for any penis bearing man, I simply refuse to compromise. I am not a consolation prize. I am the whole package of wonderful.
Also, my writing and reading of obscure books has become an obsession as of late. I would much rather read a choice book than get "nekkid" these days. Plus sex has become a DYI project ( sorry TMI huh?)When I feel lonely for companionship that is remedied by a day with my GBF ( gay best friend), who also reads books, conjugates verbs, has manners and is 20 years younger than me. ( did I tell you that I'm immature?) That does the trick for me.
Maybe I'm just too old. Don't know, and don't care much either. I am way too old to try the cute thing and too bright to deal with Nascar lovin' goomers that seem to have multiplied in the cess pool that Michigan has become.
No thanks...............
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