Part of the reason I love my new home is because I have always been enamored of history.
I love Greenfield Village, a museum that is in Dearborn Michigan . It is set up as a village and all of the buildings are furnished and restored to their period.You literally walk from home to home and actors often portray people of the homes.They even have an old fashioned one room school house. It contains a large number of historic buildings. I have been there many times and I have had a membership several times.
Today I was struck by the thought that I was living in history. My home is from 1920, the church behind me is quaint in it's hourly bells and twice daily hymns. My home is in the Arts and Crafts style. My furniture is "Arts and Craftsish" with a sprinkling of antiques. The oldest being from the early 1900's. I have old stuff and I love it all the more because it's old.
The neighborhood has changed little from the 20's and 30's. Tomorrow, I plan on going to town walking , something I have never been able to do as a suburbanite.
I feel as though through some twist of fate,I have been able to slip in unnoticed and live in Greenfield Village. Yes,the city buses, boom cars, and satellite dishes are all too apparent. I haven't slipped a cog. I am simply charmed by the antiquity of my new little town of Grosse Pointe Park.
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