Spring has sprung in Detroit. I did finally begin my spring cleaning. I have come to one conclusion; I have way too much stuff!
I love books. I'd rather have books than chocolate, and that's saying a lot. But I have too many. I try to give them away. Some I read and decide they're junk. I did throw away my paperback of "On The Road". I found I despised the characters and hoped they'd die of exposure or get locked up because they were such a waste of life.
I found some old Focus on The Family, James Dobson,propaganda which made it's way to the "cylindrical file". I give books away and loan them to others as well.
All of the books were carefully wiped with Pledge wipes,and stacked attractively in the appropriate categories. I have a very large section of classics including, Middlemarch, Angela's Ashes, and Poe. I have my David Sedaris and Christopher Moore section of newer beloved books. There is also a section devoted to history and lastly, a section for book research which includes Forensic pathology, Anatomy and Physiology,also Unsolved and Infamous Murders.
Allthe while I cleaned I had "How Clean Is Your House?" from the BBC on TV. These women actually clean, not like Martha Stewart,who has a staff of people to do her bidding. They reform "slobs" that live in the most disgusting filth you'll ever see.Very inspirational.
I still have much to do. I still have ancient linoleum that has to be waxed. I need to caulk the bathtub then the yard work begins. My yard is a mess. Much to do to get the containers ready for my crops too.
Somehow,I finally "got off the pot"
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