I like magazines. Their glossy ultra fantastical world is amusing and some of them are informative.I personally subscribe to Real Simple, Vanity Fair and U.S. New and World Report. It's been slow at work so I looked at Women's Health and Men's Health. It keeps me informed as to the trends my customers seem to hop on monthly.What new supplement will keep them young and thin.
Looking at these mags leads me to conflicting views of self-image and relationships.
It makes me sad.
1) If I don't look perfect I'd better get lipo, a trainer, designer clothes, and $200 face cream or BOTOX.
2) I'd better jog, spin or work out somehow for 2 hours a day.
3) I need to travel to exotic locations or I'm just a tourist.
4) My home had better look really cool and be perfectly organized.
5)Men want sex,women want relationships- The men's mag tells men how to get great sex and avoid relationships; The women's tells them how to avoid those types of men.
6) I must listen to "cool" music, which invariably means hip-hop which I dislike, love Ultra Modern art,( pass) and drink either scotch or martinis. ( yuck)
7) In order to attract a man I must be thin or curvaceous, demure or assertive, act disinterested or pursue with fervor.
I must be really old or just out of it. Yes, I want to look good, be thinner and healthier. I am overweight but I am doing something about it; Good old diet and exercise. 40% raw foods, low glycemic carbs. I am starting Pilates. I look much younger than my 42 years. Most people guess me at 30-34. I don't use fancy stuff. Organic olive oil and aloe cream,tea tree cleanser. I am nice. I try to be kind to others. I have morals and values,and I am accepting of others differences.
I'm not cool, I'm not thin, I don't go to the right clubs, drive the right car, or like the right art.
So I'll stay alone forever?
However, if the only things others are looking for are the aforementioned list, I'd rather be alone because I'm looking for something more than being the coolest. I have a much higher standard.
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