People by nature are insecure. They want to know the meaning of life (42*). They want to find THE way to run their lives and often skip over into that little field of psychosis that makes them want to tell you how to live. I do believe there are absolute truths out there.
For example, killing people just because you felt like it is wrong. Screwing an entire race of people for your own gain is wrong but hey, it’s what good ole ‘Merica is founded on, so I’m sure there are those that can even bullshit their way around that.
Republicans of a certain variety think that anyone that feels taxes are for the good of the community are evil communists, but they have no issue with tax dollars going to giant oil companies that need “subsidies” so they can survive.
Christians of another ilk feel that anyone that is having sex for any other reason than procreation are evil sinners. Also, if you’re gay, in possession of a uterus, an unmarried woman, a liberal, any ethnicity other than Caucasian or if you’re Catholic, you should probably be killed outright or watched very closely.
Rednecks in Northern Michigan are proud to be country, but they’re also proud to tell you that Flatlanders ( anyone south of Bay City) are stupid arrogant and nigger lovers. You’ll get their guns out of their cold dead hands. Anyone that feels differently is a Commie and probably a fag.
There are animal activists that feel treating an animal like anything less than a human is evil. Their dog, cat or aardvark is entitled to everything you are. If you feel differently, you are a bad person that would probably torture a puppy just for kicks.
There is a certain pompousness that accompanies a strong belief system. They are incredulous that you don’t feel as they do “what in the Hell is your problem!?” I used to be one of those people. I was a Christian of the right wing variety for a very short period of time. The humanity in me wouldn't put up with it for long. Everyone avoids the former smoker/drinker/sex addict that implores you to listen to their song of salvation. Whether it was God, Jesus, Buddha, or Scientology, they drone on how their way is the ONLY way to be redeemed and live life. The vegan will tell you that not only do you need to stop killing animals, wearing leather, eating dairy, wheat, non-organic food, but you must also avoid medicine and immunizations and live off the grid. Oddly enough, religious right wingers and survivalist extremists will advocate the same thing. Fuck trying to live with one another and embrace and tolerate differences. “If everyone would just do what I advocate, the entire world would be better”
You know what? You’re an asshole. Come down from your mountain and realize that we’re all just trying to survive here. Show me how religious you are by taking care of the poor, feeding and clothing them without asking them to take YOUR savior as their own. Show me how you care for animals by taking care of your own or volunteering in a shelter. Embrace your Country and/or off the grid lifestyle and help to educate others in learning or rediscovering long lost life skills. Love your God with all of your heart and make a difference for people in your community. In short, stop being a arrogant piece of shit. The rest of us lowly meat eating, commie, heathen, dog abusers might take notice and learn from it.
*Referenced from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy