I have embarked on a plan to find out what I like. I have barely focused on this since my life after divorce had been one of scratching out an existence and basic survival.
I like quiet time. I watch TV when I am bored, which is a terrible habit. I thought back to when I lived on my own and my TV was only on when there was a particular show I really wanted to watch. I watched TV almost exclusively on one of my 2 days off since I had Comcast and could utilize On Demand. Otherwise I watched shows online. I liked sitting in my livingroom with no lights on and candles or my fireplace burning. I also like time outside exploring. I love to take pictures and nothing excites me more than a really old cemetery. All of these things allows my mind to wander and "write" stories in my head.
I like conversations with people. I especially like to talk to people that are a bit odd, without being psychotic, to get a different point of view. I like antiques. Anything from the 20's or 30's gives me a thrill. I like being alone; most of the time, I prefer it. Other people = someone else's agenda. I am still trying to figure out my own agenda, thank you.I like birds, squirrels, fish and flowers. I like living with nature instead of trying to make it conform to my humanity.
I have also discovered what I don't like. I intensely dislike, on the verge of hate, people that play power games. It is always someone either narcissistic or insecure. They're unable to function unless they're fucking with someone else's life. Isn't running our own lives difficult enough? I hate politics. I understand that we have to fight for rights. I will march along and put my voice out there, but I don't trust either side of the aisle enough to say I'm a democrat or republican. People for the most part want to protect their own family or stuff even if it means screwing you and yours. That's just base human nature.
I don't like configuring my life around other people's agenda. Oh you love living in your community? Great. Good for you. I don't happen to like it myself but you insist it's the ONLY decent place to live.Your yammering on about yours makes you seem like an elitist douchebag. Different strokes people. When people carry on about their town, church, lifestyle endlessly, I always wonder if they're trying to convince me or themselves how uber cool they really are. I stand unconvinced. If you want to impress me, show me what you're doing to make the world a better place. Who did you uplift or inspire? Did you create anything? Tell me about that.
I am trying to organize my life into something I want to live rather than something to be endured. I need a delicate balance of work, play, creativity and rest. Mostly I need to get (find) a life to call my own.