It's interesting the way that people treat you when you're poor.
God forbid you wear nice clothes ( obviously you spent your money unwisely)
Heaven help you if you color your hair, polish your nails, wear makeup or attempt in any way to make yourself look as though you're not a pitiful spectre. After all, aren't you supposed to be pious and be thankful that you're even allowed to breathe the same air as everyone else?
But, I had these clothes, which I bought while working in an office and some of them were kindly given to me by a cousin that lost weight. I color my hair since it's hard enough trying to find a job without having gray hair that leads employers to think you're OLD. I buy $1-2 nail polish and do my own nails so that I'll look professional and polished. I buy all of my clothes and toiletries at discount stores. I can state for a fact that I haven't paid more than $20 for a shirt or blouse in the last 5 years.
I apologize that I haven't taken on the air of beggar, nor have I ripped my clothes and covered myself with ashes. If it makes you feel better, I have gone without heat, food and proper attire within the last 3 years. My car is 17 years old and barely runs.
I'm sorry that I'm trying to survive rather than just slinking off to die somewhere.