I have been lots of things in my relatively short lifetime.
I was a talented singer and had the beginnings of an ability in acting. My studies were okay. If I liked a subject like English or Biology, I usually had A's. I loathed math and subsequently scored poorly.
At age 19, I fell in love and set about to juggle being a wife and singer.
I was married at 21 to another musician. His musical endeavors did not include me, which was fine when the first baby came along at age 25. I became Super Mom and Wife. I baked bread, cleaned, used cloth diapers and made sure a home cooked dinner was on the table nearly every night.
Baby number 2 came along 2 1/2 years later and then a devastating stroke nearly took me out in 1994. Three years of recovery and once again, I had to recreate myself again. My marriage showed signs of crumbling and I turned to God and the church. I strove to use my voice in the church and found that it was not unlike every other industry with the back-stabbing and insincerity. The divorce happened and I had to become Super Single Mom; bring home the bacon, fry it up in the pan, keep the kids from becoming delinquent. There was no time for singing, acting or writing ( a passion I had left over from middle school). All of my pursuits were directed to making a living. My love of biology and anatomy led me to becoming a clinical medical assistant. In between I've had many stops and starts in attempts to write. I have half of a book written ans at least 3 more in my head. Per usual, my venture is undone by trying to make a living.
I am currently trying to find balance in my life. I love nature although I have seen very little of it from the confines of my job and condo. I draw inspiration from my surroundings. The problem is that I have no outlet. I would love to sing again, but I play no instrument, so I must rely on musicians. In this economy, they no longer work for food or for "arts sake".
I am venturing back into the realm of writing but I am overwhelmed with a dozen other chores to be completed, the need to finally get my Bachelor's Degree.
I do know this: the component that makes me who I am is driven by my artistic nature. The longer I ignore that part of me, the less I am able to be efficient in my career or anything else.