It finally happened- I GOT A JOB!!!!
It's in a setting I consider to be God's Work- assisted living. I will be able to utilize some of my medical assistant skills within the administrative realm and I'll be able to help and befriend many senior citizens, which are my favorite kind of people.
I am thankful to God that my cousin thought of me for the position she needed to fill, since she's the manager. Sadly, most of the people I know that have found jobs, have found them because they know someone. I was going to pursue a career in health care. With all of my training in the medical field, encompassing skills like phlebotomy, injections and patient care, I would only make $8-9 and hour. That will keep me impoverished. I am rethinking what I want complete my education in. So if we pay health care workers minimum wage, why are we so surprised when Grandpa's nurses aide doesn't show up and doesn't seem to care about him. This is just like child care. We place our precious children often with uneducated people making minimum wage and feign horror when our babies are warehoused and ignored.
I have been doing a lot of reading. My studies of history have led me to the conclusion that this country was never based on the level playing ground notion that anyone can be anything. There has always been a class distinction in this country. If you don't believe me, first of all, READ A BOOK, and then go and hang out with the Country Club set. They'll let you know right away where you fall in class levels. They're not necessarily smarter, more refined or more talented, but they feel they ARE ABOVE YOU, simply by virtue of their connections and power. It has always been that way in this country. It's one of the nastier things we have brought over from The Old Country. Bottom line- some jobs and people are deemed lesser. We have degraded ourselves back to serfdom and Lord of the estate.Amusingly,Europe has evolved while America has stagnated in regard to the care of it's people. It makes me really sad and determined to be one person to make a difference in the lives of people that society throws away. We've always had people that are of lower intelligence and only able to do manual labor. But just like the 18th century, their standard of living is very bad. There were wonderful people that rose from the filth and muck of poverty and made themselves into successful people, but not without opposition from their "betters". Unions were brought about because too many people were being maimed and killed in factories and sweatshops where employees earned only enough to keep them from starving to death, while the businessmen were living in splendor. Big business viewed employees as disposable fodder. THAT HASN'T CHANGED! VERY FEW businesses care about anything but their bottom line. Union busting isn't driven by anything but greed. Businessmen lament their having to pay taxes and costs of their employees insurance, but mostly they're pissed because they can't live in the luxury they feel is due to them. No one is happy living a good life; they want the newest, the best, world travel, a Hummer. They've earned it by God! There was a similar business model we employed in this country called SLAVERY; living off the sweat and hard work of another.
I am not afraid of hard work or seeking an education to better my lot in life, but I am discouraged by the current state of affairs that is corporate America and the government is run in the same business model. This is why we have such a vast division of the classes in this country again. It was the way our country started and it will lead to our demise it we don't stop it. Ever heard of Rome? Keep playing your fiddle big business.Rome is burning.