I consider myself a fairly intelligent human being. Most of us like to think we can't be taken in by a scam, but I am here to state that I was indeed scammed. The worst part? It was by a college. We'll call this college, "Muffin Man". MM took me in by promising me that they didn't have long waiting lists for their nursing program, "They only allow 40 students per quarter to enter the program and they keep the lists down that way." Yes, but they don't tell you that they allow hundreds to declare themselves in nursing and take the pre req.'s to go into the program. MM also takes advantage of federal loans by allowing you to borrow up to $6000 a year to use for "living expenses" To someone that has been unemployed for nearly 2 years, like myself, that money is manna from heaven. I bought my laptop for college with it, I have used it to keep my car running and even for clothing. The downside is that now that I am certain NOT to get into nursing because my GPA is only 3.6 instead of 4.0, I have debt up the a** and I am still unemployed. The insult to injury- MM is not accredited, something they assured us was "only a matter of time and paperwork", so I can't transfer any of it to a reputable college. I am finishing my quarter here. I may even take a class in the fall because if I don't get a job, the loan may be the only way I can survive. I have since applied to a reputable community college for a CNA program. I can get a job as a certified nurses aide. I will be starting that program in the Winter or Spring session.
Don't get scammed like me. ONLY go to ACCREDITED COLLEGES.
CORRECTION: One small correction- they are regionally accredited, not nationally. Also, my community college will take partial credit- so the A&P I and II transfers as A&P I only. Either way- ripped off