Thursday, February 25, 2010


After a great deal of thought, a little research, and several confrontations initiated by hateful conservatives, I have decided that this "new" conservatism is nothing but old fashioned social Darwinism. Survival of the fittest.
So, if you're gay, old,fat, disabled, sick, mentally challenged, or in any way less than perfect- you need to just go away and die already. It's the right thing to do.(sarcasm) They stop short of concentration camps, but who knows- I can envision Rush as Karl Fritzsch.
See what you think. Here are some links:

Friday, February 19, 2010

There but for the grace of God go I.......

I am very determined to get employment by April. I will be applying for jobs daily instead of weekly and trying to get out and apply in my immediate area. I have classes Mon and Wed mornings and Tue and Thur afternoons. I will also be sticking to a regimen of writing so that I can finish my book.
All of the hate filled tea-baggers will be thrilled to note that I no longer get Medicaid and I get $50 a month in food stamps. I will be buying 90% of my food from ,and I thank God that they are around. I have worked since my ex left the family and I want to do so again. I am used to being poor and that doesn't frighten me, but homelessness does. I will be homeless if I cannot find at least part-time employment. It's easy for many to be flippant about poverty, but try living that way for a while. I drive a 15 year old car, I have no credit cards, I rent month to month,and can rarely afford to buy clothes and fear is a daily opponent.
I am strong willed, determined to succeed and hard working. I am faithful to God and kind to others, but guess what? That doesn't mean I can't be homeless, hungry or sick. Frighteningly, you can't be that certain either. I guess that's why you like to attack me?