Tonight is another mini reunion of folks from high school. I am looking forward to it, but not with out trepidation.
In many cases, I'd rather be remembered as the amusing, sarcastic, singer that I was, rather than the unemployed divorced mom that I am now. I have done some cool stuff, and I've overcome some rather horrifying obstacles, but one tends to measure in regards to wealth, educational achievement and such.
I was very guarded in high school. People saw me as confident, when I was far from it. I am dumbfounded by people that thought I was "popular" and dated. (Wasn't and didn't.) A friend that remained so after high school remarked that some people grow and change for the better and some just become bigger jerks. Indeed, the people that I find fascinating are the regular kids that weren't so "popular" and are just happy and confortable with themselves. The most surprising thing are all of the people my age (44) with little kids. Also, the kids that were "stoners" that have gone on to be pillars of health and success. As a writer, these people are far more interesting to me than the jocks and girlies that everyone noticed. We've been getting together every 3 months and it's been fun. Some of the people I want to see the most, are out of state and can't make it.
Ah, well..... even if it sucks and no one talks to me, I will be eavesdropping and using as much for my writing as I can. ( Tee-hee)