My former life as a mother and housewife has ill-prepared me for the corporate world.
My identity was in fostering good feelings in people. Support, nurture, kindness.
Christianity has led me to desire to be kind, giving, loving and yes, even to love my enemies. I feel I am a pretty decent person. I try to be anyway.
None of this is a good thing in my current occupation. I can utilize my good nature to lure in customers, and if I follow the corporate desires, convince them to buy things whether there is an actual benefit or not. I feel not unlike the snake-oil salesmen of days of old. I am at a crossroads in my job. I dislike it, no that's not strong enough; I HATE IT! I am paid very little and much is expected. I have to drive 30 miles one way. The company has managed to suck all humanity out of my position.
" The numbers don't lie. You're only as valuable as your average sale and profitability." It's so not me. I have had to become something I barely recognise as myself in trying to keep my kids and I alive, housed and fed. I am now compromising ethics I vowed to keep as a medical assistant.
There are few opportunities in this area. I remain hopeful, but it's getting harder to do so. I often wish I could just be a soulless asshole. It would be easier to cope. Alas, it's just not in me.